nourishment and healing through ancestral wisdom

Creating Sacred Spaces
that nurture our whole self

​connect us to our interdependence
so we can heal ourselves and the Earth.
Classes, workshops & retreats 
From time to time we offer classes, workshops and retreats. The heart of all of these offerings is to tap into ceremony, community and self discovery. Learn more here
Lesley is the creatrix of Sacred Spaces. She has a passion for helping folks cultivate a deeper relationship to their highest self and Mother Earth through ancestral wisdom that honors all parts of the human experience in a holistic, grounded and sustainable way. 

Read full bio here...
Pregnancy, labor & postpartum services
Pregnancy, labor and postpartum doula care! Learn indigenous wisdom to have a deeply supportive and nourishing experience. Learn more here
Herbal ​Consultations 
A 1:1 personalized holistic approach to taking care of yourself. You will get a full protocol of the EXACT herbs, supplements and foods for YOUR consitituion. Learn more here
Meet Sacred Spaces 
Featured Services:
Sacred Spaces was a dream seed that saw the light of day with tender care. Like all seeds the process felt like total destruction... feeling raw and vulnerable, as growth does, I grounded my care with nurturing and healing practices that connected me to my highest self but also my guides. Nurture, heal and connect is the root philosophy we weave into all of our offerings and our family's way of life.

"Hello! I just wanted to say I am on week one with Lesley's pregnancy program and I LOVE IT.
It has already helped me so much. If you feel stuck but want to get to your optimum health (mentally and physically) before your little one comes I highly recommend reaching out to Lesley and talking with her about her amazing 8 week program. I'm currently 20 weeks pregnant and after working with Lesley for this short amount of time I'm already feeling way more positive about my pregnancy.

SO WORTH IT.  💙 🙏🏼 Lesley is the ultimate pregnancy guru goddess!"

"Lesley provides life-changing experiences through her daily sharing of herbal knowledge and healing tinctures and teas. However to sit in ceremony with her is to be supported, uplifted and guided on new paths of enlightenment. She is truly a wise woman, medicine woman, shamanista.. Her recent Sacred Cacao Ceremony was an incredible experience."


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